Good-Bye Wild Fire Fam

Well WildFire Fam as you may have noticed we have been extremely quiet as I have embarked on a new journey almost 12 months ago taking on The Gillies Cafe & Bar. Originally I had great plans on throwing all my love into both businesses, which I quickly learnt that I am only human and could not do both and give both 100% so we came to a stand still for quite a few months.
Well my friends, I am so so pleased to announce that I have handed the business over to an amazing friend that has passion, drive and a creative soul that will take WILD FIRE Candles to a whole new level! I am so excited to see these candle out and about again.
It certainly is a bitter sweet moment as so much time, love, knowledge and creativity went into this candle journey and I have learnt so much along the way, but I am so happy to hand it over to someone who I know will be AHHmazing!!!
Chow for now friends

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